Turbocharge Your Business Journey Workshop-Marketing

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Online-Via Zoom

City Wide

Rona Abrahams, rabrahams@cambridgema.gov

Instructor: Tisha Hood, Breadcrumbs Creative. 

Ever wonder why Christmas decorations are put up before Halloween? Marketing calendars have shifted over the past few years and so have customer purchasing patterns. In this workshop, we’ll explore how and what shapes the seasonal marketing calendar. Learn how to optimize seasonal shifts in consumer behavior and plan for success.

This workshop is part of a four part series. Instructor: Tisha Hood, Breadcrumbs Creative. 

Free to Cambridge residents and business owners. Registration is required. HUD-eligible attendees can sign up for free one-on-one coaching with the instructor after class. Registration is closed.