Raymond Park Open House

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Raymond Park, 106 Raymond St., Cambridge, MA 02140

Neighborhood Nine

Lev McCarthy, lmccarthy@cambridgema.gov

Join us at Raymond Park on Tuesday, July 9 anytime between 5 PM to 7 PM to review ideas on how to renovate Raymond Park. Let us know what ideas you like and discuss the renovation with the project team and neighbors! 

Click here to view a summary of what we've heard from the community so far. The ideas you will see at the open house build off what we've heard. 

This is one of three open houses where we will review the same materials. You can see all open houses on the City Calendar. The dates are:

  • Tuesday, July 9, 8 AM - 10 AM
  • Tuesday, July 9, 5 PM - 7 PM
  • Wednesday, July 10, 5 PM - 7 PM

Don't worry if you can't make any of the open houses, we'll post all the materials and a survey that asks the same questions that will be asked at the open houses. 

For more information about the Raymond Park renovation project, please visit the project webpage