Explore Where Your Water Comes From by Bike

10/7/201311 years ago

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 11 years ago.

Cycle to the Source

Explore where your water comes from! Join Cambridge Water Department (CWD) staff on a guided bike tour of the watershed on October 19th. The approximately 34 mile tour loops through the watershed, with stops at the Water Purification Facility, CWD Field Office, Winter Street Dam and Gatehouse, Stony Brook Dam and Gatehouse, and Paul Revere Capture Site.

Advanced registration required; registration closes on October 15. Participants must be comfortable with the 34 mile distance and must provide their own bike (road or hybrid), helmet, and lunch. Technical assistance will be provided by Urban AdvenTours.  Please look to the website or the informational pamphlet for more details on the ride.   

For more information

For more information or to register, contact Katie Booras, 617/349-7712 or kbooras@cambridgema.gov.