Net Zero Task Force

10/22/201311 years ago

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 11 years ago.

Cambridge City Manager, Richard C. Rossi, seeks volunteers to serve on a new “Getting to Net Zero” Task Force. This Committee is being created to advise the City Manager on ways to advance the goal of putting Cambridge on the trajectory towards becoming a “net zero community”, with focus on carbon emissions from building operations. This includes reducing energy use intensity of buildings and taking advantage of opportunities to harvest energy from renewable resources.

The Task Force will work collaboratively to examine strategies and develop recommendations that address the following topics:

  • reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the built environment 
  • improve energy efficiency and conservation in existing and new buildings 
  • support renewable energy generation both on- and off-site 
  • best practices to engage/educate users and influence occupant behavior

The deadline for volunteers is November 12, 2013.

For More Information

To learn more about the Net Zero Task Force  and how to volunteer to join, visit the Net Zero home page.