Member Sought for Cambridge Affordable Housing Trust

12/4/201311 years ago

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 11 years ago.

625 Putnam Ave

City Manager Richard C. Rossi is seeking residents who are interested in serving on the Cambridge Affordable Housing Trust.

About the Trust

Established in 1988, the Trust administers and oversees City funds allocated to the Trust for the creation and preservation of affordable rental and ownership housing and programs designed to meet the city’s affordable housing needs. The Trust reviews and acts on requests for Trust funding for affordable housing developments and programs, sets policies and standards for the Incentive Zoning and Inclusionary Housing Ordinances, and provides housing policy and program advice to City staff, City boards and commissions, and the City Council.

The Trust is comprised of residents and representatives of non-profit housing organizations with expertise in affordable housing, housing policy, finance, urban planning, and real estate development. The Trust is chaired by the City Manager and generally meets on the fourth Thursday of each month, from 4:00 to 5:30 PM, at City Hall.

How to Apply

To apply, please submit a resume and a brief letter describing your interest in serving on the Trust and related experience. Final selection will be made by the City Manager. Letters should be sent by January 6, 2014 to:

Richard C. Rossi, City Manager
City of Cambridge
795 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
Ph. 617-349-4300
Fax 617-349-4307