Hubway Open House

6/9/201410 years ago

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 10 years ago.

Take a Hubway to Work

Hubway Open House

June 18th, 2014
5:30 P. M. - 7:30 P. M.
Dana Park picnic tables

Please drop by at any time to learn more about Cambridge’s Hubway system, how the bikes work, usage of the station at Dana Park, and parking data that we have been collecting around the park.

If you cannot make this open house, please contact Bill Deignan with questions, comments or for additional information after the meeting. See contact information below. If there is severe weather at the time of the gathering, the date of this gathering may be postponed.

For more information

Please contact Bill Deignan, or 617-349-4632.