Harvard Square Advisory Committee Seeks New Members

1/9/201510 years ago

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 10 years ago.

Nightime in Harvard Square, intersection of JFK and Brattle Streets

The City of Cambridge is currently seeking letters of interest from Riverside, Neighborhood 10, Neighborhood Nine, Agassiz and Mid-Cambridge residents and the Harvard Square Business community who would like to serve on the Harvard Square Advisory Committee.

Committee Purpose

Establish a formal, ongoing body that will review all major development actions in the Harvard Square Overlay District. Provide a forum within which a wide range of perspectives on development actions can be heard. Establish a citizen/professional body which can advise both public agencies and private interests as to the development and urban design issues raised by a development or planning proposal and suggest avenues of research which might be pursued to resolve identified conflicts or make the project better fulfill both public and private objectives for the Harvard Square Overlay District.

Committee Charge

Zoning: Undertake all Large Project Reviews (new or renovation projects over 2,000 square feet and less than 25,000 square feet) as required by the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance and review all applications for Board of Zoning Appeal variances and special permits for activities within the Harvard Square Overlay District.

Time Commitment

The Committee will meet as required on project review needs.

Participation in previous Harvard Square activities and understanding of development and design issues are desirable. Final selection of Advisory Committee members will be made by City Manager Richard Rossi.

How To Apply

To apply, please send a letter by Friday February 6, 2015, describing your interest in the Harvard Square Advisory Committee and any experience you have working on similar issues to:

Elaine Thorne
Cambridge Community Development
344 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139