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- Citywide Planning Draft Scope of Services for Community Review
Citywide Planning Draft Scope of Services for Community Review
4/23/2015 • 9 years ago
The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 9 years ago.
The Community Development Department has been working on developing the scope of services and deliverables for the upcoming citywide comprehensive planning process. These will guide the selection of a consultant team to work with the City throughout the planning process. A draft of this document is available for a two-week community review period to gather input from the public.
Click here to view the draft scope of services and deliverables. Please send suggestions and comments to CambridgeConversations@CambridgeMA.gov by Friday, May 8, 2015. The feedback gathered will inform fine-tuning of the scope and deliverables. Following this public consultation, the City will issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a consultant team in late May.
The draft scope and deliverables document builds upon the Cambridge Conversations final report, Strategic Recommendations for a Citywide Plan, and has been refined with input from multiple City departments. It emphasizes robust public engagement throughout the process and highlights the importance of coordination with other ongoing citywide efforts such as Climate Change Preparedness Planning, Community Health Improvement Planning, Transit Strategic Planning, and others.
Anticipated Timeline
While a detailed timeline for the various phases of the citywide planning process will be developed by the selected project team, we expect that the project will take approximately three years, with an Alewife area study being addressed as an early phase of the project.
The anticipated timeline for consultant selection is as follows:
April 24 - May 8, 2015:
Public review of consultant scope and deliverables
May 11 - 22, 2015:
Revisions and finalization of RFQ
Week of May 25, 2015:
Issue RFQ
Week of June 22, 2015:
Responses due
Late June - August, 2015:
Proposal review and contract award
September, 2015 - 2018:
Citywide planning public process
Presentations by Shortlisted Teams
During the proposal review, we expect to host a public presentation by shortlisted teams. Members of the public will have an opportunity to view these presentations. Please look for a follow-up email in the early summer for more information on the presentations.
For More Information
For more information on the Cambridge Citywide Comprehensive Planning process, please visit the project page, or email CambridgeConversations@cambridgeMA.gov.