New Development Log Available

12/28/20159 years ago

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 9 years ago.

Development log open data map

The Development Log, published quarterly, tracks large-scale residential and commercial development projects currently in the permitting or construction phases in the City of Cambridge. The Log contains the name and location of each project, the developer, type of use, and the amount of square footage.

Review the Third Quarter 2015 Development Log

Criteria for inclusion in the Development Log include:

  • Commercial projects totaling over 50,000 square feet;
  • Commercial projects that have a significant impact on the neighborhood in which located;
  • Residential projects of eight or more units that are new construction or rehab/renovation projects and that alter the existing use by adding to the existing number of units or square footage;
  • All municipal projects in which a cross section of City departments may have an interest and all which are considered otherwise significant.

Projects meeting the criteria are categorized by Project Stage, which include:

  • Permitting: project under review by Community Development and/or Board of Zoning Appeal. 
  • Permit Granted or As of Right: development received Special Permit from the Planning Board or BZA, Comprehensive Permit, Large Project Review with Community Development or is As of Right. 
  • Building Permit Granted: development received Building Permit and construction must start within six months or an extension is required. 
  • Complete: project received Certificate of Occupancy (CO) or Temporary CO.

The format of the Development Log has been revised to include more details on current projects, including:

  • GFA by use; 
  • listing number of affordable units upon determination (if applicable); 
  • listing if the project is As-Of-Right, Planning Board Special Permit, BZA Permit, Comprehensive Permit, or Large Project Review; 
  • primary zoning for project; 
  • parking spaces associated with the project use; 
  • Special Permit and Building Permit numbers; 
  • listing number of hotel rooms (if applicable); 
  • project type (New Construction/Alteration/Addition/Change of Use/Master Plan); 
  • subtotals for GFA uses, residential units, and parking spaces under each Project Stage; and 
  • the data is available for download on the City of Cambridge Open Data Portal. 

For More Information

For more information please contact Chris Basler at cbasler@cambridgema or 617/349-4601.

To learn more about the Development Log visit the web page.

To download data go to the Open Data web portal.