Envision Cambridge
1/14/2016 • 8 years ago
The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 8 years ago.
Envision Cambridge - Help Shape the Plan!
We are seeking volunteers to serve on the Envision Cambridge Advisory Committee and topic-specific working groups that will advise the project team on the Cambridge citywide plan. The Advisory Committee will include diverse representation from the Cambridge community and will guide the process throughout the three-year timeframe. Working groups will be formed during the course of the project to investigate specific topics and will work in concentrated periods of time. The Envision Alewife Working Group and the Engagement and Communications Working Group will be formed right away.
Click her for details and information on how to apply.
For information on Envision Cambridge, please visit www.cambridgema.gov/citywideplan or contact Melissa Peters at mpeters@cambridgema.gov or 617/349-4605.