Volunteers Sought for Envision Cambridge Working Groups

10/17/20168 years ago

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 8 years ago.

Envision Cambridge Working Group

Volunteers Sought for Envision Cambridge Working Groups

The City of Cambridge is seeking volunteers to serve on four, newly formed Envision Cambridge Working Groups. The Working Groups will be convened around the following topics: Housing, Climate and Environment, Economic Development, and Transportation. 

The Working Groups are being created to advise the city and its consultant team on Envision Cambridge. Envision Cambridge is a community-wide process to develop a comprehensive plan for a more livable, sustainable, and equitable Cambridge. With input from the community, Envision Cambridge will create a shared vision for our future and result in recommendations on a broad range of topics. The Working Groups will be tasked with developing topic-specific recommendations towards goals identified during the planning process.

Who is Eligible?

Any Cambridge resident, property owner, or representative of a local business or institution is welcome to apply. The city seeks individuals with experience, expertise, and interest in the specific topic for which they are applying for.

How Often Will the Groups Meet?

Working groups will meet approximately five times during the first half of 2017. Meetings are expected to commence in January.

How Many People Will Be Selected?

Each Working Group will consist of approximately 9-11 people and include at least one member from the Envision Cambridge Advisory Committee.

How To Apply

To apply, send a letter by November 18, 2016 describing your interest in Envision Cambridge as well as any relevant experience and qualifications in the topic area you are applying for to:

Melissa Peters, 
344 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02139 

or Email:


Please clearly indicate in your application the specific Working Group you are applying for. If desired, you may include a resume with your application.