Cambridge Business Development Workshops

8/2/20168 years ago

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 8 years ago.

Woman holding a small "open" sign

Did you know? The Economic Development Division offers over 20 workshops a year that are free to Cambridge residents and business owners. Check out our fall calendar to learn about upcoming workshops with CCTV, CWE and other local partners.

Upcoming Workshops include:

  • Thursday, November 3, 2016 - Personal Branding Seminar
  • Tuesday,November 8, 2016 - Google Tools for Your Small Business
  • Wednesday, November 16, 2016 - Intro to Blogging for Your Business

For more information

For more information on these workshops and to register for a workshop, please contact Rona Abrahams at or via phone at 617/349-4637.