Provide Feedback on Cambridge St. and Brattle St. Projects - Deadline Friday, June 8

5/15/20186 years ago

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 6 years ago.

Separated Bike Lanes

To enable people of all ages, abilities, and modes to travel more safely, the City recently implemented two projects involving the installation of separated bicycle lanes on multimodal corridors – the Brattle Street Participatory Budgeting project and the Cambridge Street Bicycle Safety Demonstration project. The City is now seeking feedback on these projects from all community members who use those streets through two options: 1) surveys and 2) Wikimap public comment maps. Using the links below, please share your thoughts on one or both of the projects.

The surveys will close at midnight on Friday, June 8.

Cambridge Street Feedback 

Brattle Street Feedback