Cambridge's Community Benefits Advisory Committee to Offer $1 Million in Grants to Eligible Nonprofit Organizations

7/1/20204 years ago

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 4 years ago.

The City of Cambridge's Community Benefits Advisory Committee is pleased to announce that it will be issuing an application for $10,000 grants for up to 100 eligible 501c3 nonprofit organizations, beginning in early July. Grant agreements will be awarded to provide services to vulnerable Cambridge residents during the COVID-19 emergency and recovery.  Services must respond to the needs identified in the Cambridge Community Needs Assessment and are subject to the requirements of the Community Benefits Advisory Committee Ordinance, Municipal Code Chapter 2.127. We are announcing the grant opportunity now so that non-profit organizations may respond quickly when the application becomes available in early July 2020.

"Our nonprofit community provides basic needs and other critical supports for low-income, under-resourced, and vulnerable families and individuals at risk," said Cambridge City Manager Louis A. DePasquale. "I am so pleased that we will be able to provide these grants through the Community Benefits Fund to help our nonprofit organizations provide additional COVID-19 related assistance and critical supports during this pandemic."

The Community Benefits Advisory Committee acts on the Guiding Principles for Community Benefits Funding, adopted by the Cambridge City Council, and makes recommendations to the City Manager for the approval of grant awards with nonprofit organizations to deliver services.

Given the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Committee intends for this process to be as expedient and simple as possible. To learn more and to apply, please see the application information pageNote that applications are due by noon on July 10, 2020.