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  • Cycling Safety Ordinance Economic Impact Study

Cycling Safety Ordinance Economic Impact Study

A cyclist rides in a flex-post separated bike lane in Porter Square, next to an outdoor dining patio filled with hanging flower baskets

In 2022, the Cambridge City Council requested the Community Development Department’s Economic Opportunity and Development Division to conduct a study to collect relevant economic data relating to business impacts from separated bike lane installation in commercial corridors as part of the City’s Cycling Safety Ordinance (CSO). 

In January 2023, the City signed an agreement with the Volpe National Transportation Systems to assist with conducting of the CSO economic impact study. The Scope of Services can be found under the documents tab.

February 2024

The completed Cambridge Cycling Safety Ordinance Economic Impact Study can be found here (PDF). 

Fall 2023

Business Survey Update
Last updated Tuesday, November 28, 2023


  • Number of businesses mailed/emailed a survey: 1697
  • Number of businesses closed/moved/temporarily closed: 173
  • Number of errors (e.g. duplications): 45
  • Final number of verified businesses: 1479
  • Number of completed surveys: 300 (20.2%)
  • Number of businesses who did not feel the survey was applicable to their business or did not want to take the survey: 14 (.94%)

The 2023 business survey closed October 31, 2023. City staff and business association partners provided outreach via mail, email, phone, and door-to-door reminders to over 900 businesses  between July-October 2023. 


Customer Survey

Summer 2023, CDD conducted a short customer survey in corridors that have either had separated bike installations or will soon be receiving them, covering questions on: mode of travel, purpose of trip, and related topics. 214 customers participated in the summer survey.


July 2023

Draft Data Table can be found here. 

CDD sent business surveys were sent out of retail, personal services, professional, and medical businesses in Cambridge. 

CDD is conducting a sidewalk customer survey in variety of commercial areas during the weeks of July 10-August 10, 2023. Future surveying will be done in later months.

CSO Economic Impact Study Information Session

Monday, July 17, 2023 5:00 - 6:00 P.M.

Please join CDD Economic Opportunity and Development Division and Volpe National Transportation Systems staff for an Information Session on the Study's methodology and data sets on Zoom. Zoom link: https://cambridgema.zoom.us/j/88092215254.

July 17, 2023 Presentation slides can be found here. 

Economic Development & University Relations Committee Meeting

July 20, 2023 3:00 - 5:00 P.M.

The Economic Development and University Relations Committee will hold a public meeting on Thursday, July 20, 2023 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. to discuss the update on the Community Development Department's Economic Impact Study regarding the implementation of the Cambridge Cycling Safety Ordinance.

Meeting Information: https://cambridgema.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_Meeting.aspx?ID=4378

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Deliverable or Milestone  Timeline
Develop methodology and data sets 1-2 months
Gather data 2-3 months
Provide raw and summary data by district 1-2 months 
Draft insights and recommendations 2 months
Final report and data TBD
Council presentation TBD


This schedule is subject to change. 

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Cambridge City Hall Annex
344 Broadway, 3rd floor
Cambridge, MA 02139

Please contact Pardis Saffari, Director of Economic Opportunity and Development, with any questions on the CSO Economic Impact Study at psaffari@cambridgema.gov

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