Inclusionary Housing Preference Changes
The Community Development Department (CDD) has prepared draft changes to the applicant preference system used to select applicants for Inclusionary rental and homeownership housing. These changes are now available for public review and comment through May 6, 2021.
These proposed changes are based on a series of discussions with the Housing Committee of the City Council about how preferences for applicants work in Inclusionary housing. Highlights of the proposed preference changes include:
- expanding the criteria and documentation accepted for the preference for Cambridge residents;
- expanding access to housing for families with children under 18;
- changes to the criteria for preference for emergency housing need for rental housing;
- revisions so that Cambridge resident applicants with an emergency housing need are considered before .other applicant for rental housing.
Click here to review the draft Standards and Procedures Regarding Selection of Applicants for Inclusionary Housing (“Standards”).
Click here to view PowerPoint slides from the October 2020 Housing Committee meeting outlining the existing Inclusionary Housing resident selection preferences and proposed changes.
Public Comment
To provide comments on these proposed changes, please submit written comments to us by email at or by regular mail to:
Housing Division
344 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02139
Attn: Inclusionary Housing
CDD will accept written comments on these changes through May 6, 2021. CDD will then review and consider submitted comments, make changes to the proposed Standards, and then issue final Standards for use in review of applications for inclusionary housing.
Questions? Please contact or 617/349-4622.