Cambridge Climate Committee

Climate Committee

The City Manager appoints the standing Cambridge Climate Committee (CCC), formerly the Climate Protection Action Committee (CPAC), as an advisory committee to assist with planning and addressing climate change. Regular members generally serve a two-year term during which the Committee periodically develops recommendations to the City Manager.  

What is the role of the Climate Committee?

The Climate Committee has three roles that help the City reduce climate change impacts, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase equity, and serve as a partner to and example for other communities:

1. Provide feedback and ideas to the City on ways to reduce and live with climate change while prioritizing the needs of the most at-risk populations. 

2. Share information about City climate programs with community members, listen to community concerns, and raise feedback with City staff so programs effectively serve all community members.

3. Stay informed about the City's climate goals and provide accountability and feedback on barriers and opportunities to improve effectiveness. 

Read the Climate Committee's letter to the City Manager about progress on the Net Zero Action Plan

Committee Membership

The committee is made up of volunteers from the Cambridge community who take an active interest in climate change issues and who live or work in Cambridge. Current members are:

 Keith Giamportone Lyn Huckabee
 Steven Nutter David Rabkin
Ming Su Mallorie Barber
 Wendy DeWolf Hajer Hyte
Neheet Trivedi Rachel Mural
Joel Nogic Tom Rawson
Allie Shepard  

Meeting Dates, Agendas and Meeting Minutes

The Cambridge Climate Committee meets regularly, usually on the second Thursday of the month between 6:00 P. M. and 8:00 P. M. Meetings generally take place remotely via Zoom or in-person at the City Hall Annex at 344 Broadway. Climate Committee meetings are open to the public and non-members are welcome to attend. The City sometimes creates task forces to work on particular questions, and community members are invited to join in this work.

Climate Committee meetings are advertised in the citywide Calendar of Events

Agendas and Minutes will be posted below.

View older agendas and meeting minutes from the Climate Committee / Climate Protection Action Committee.