1982 Census of Retailers
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SIC Code | Type of Business | Number of Estabs | Receipts ($1,000) | Annual Payroll ($1,000) | 1st Quarter Payroll ($1,000) | Paid Employees |
52 | Building Materials, Hardware, Garden Supply | 12 | 8166 | 1462 | 308 | 136 |
53 | General Merchandise (dept. stores, variety stores) | 10 | 105749 | 12308 | 2748 | 1405 |
54 | Food Stores | 87 | 120664 | 14300 | 3474 | 1874 |
55, except 554 | Auto Dealers, Auto Supply Stores | 11 | 42273 | 4248 | 1070 | 263 |
554 | Gasoline Service Stations | 45 | 40151 | 1803 | 429 | 251 |
56 | Apparel & Accessory Stores | 73 | 39009 | 4706 | 1100 | 737 |
57 | Furniture, Home Furnishings & Equipment | 62 | 39937 | 5196 | 1263 | 436 |
58 | Eating & Drinking Places | 257 | 89921 | 23711 | 5455 | 4145 |
591 | Drug & Proprietary Stores | 29 | 22950 | 2859 | 722 | 374 |
59, except 591 | Miscellaneous Retail Stores | 175 | 106113 | 13894 | 3391 | 1347 |
592 | Liquor Stores | 27 | 23380 | 1550 | 360 | 191 |
593 | Used Merchandise Stores | 20 | 3824 | 960 | 289 | 76 |
NA | All Cambridge Establishments & Operations | 761 | 614933 | 84487 | 19960 | 10968 |
- Estabs refers to establishments.
Source: U. S. Census, Census of Service Industries, 1982.
The figures presented here should not compared to the employment by industry figures generated by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. The methodology and intended uses of the information differ, making direct comparisons impracticable.
When establishments without a payroll are included, the 1982 Economic Census found a total of 926 retail establishments and operations in Cambridge whose sales totaled $624,071,000. Among the 926 establishments and operations recorded were 249 individual proprietorships and 31 partnerships.
For More Information
For more information about socioeconomic and demographic statistics about Cambridge, please contact Cliff Cook, ccook@cambridgema.gov, Planning Information Manager, at 617/349-4656.