1982 Census of Service Industries

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SIC CodeType of Business or OperationNumber of EstabsReceipts ($1,000)Annual Payroll ($1,000)1st Quarter Payroll ($1,000)Paid Employees
70Hotels, Motels &Other Lodging Places8422741109426431391
72Personal Services (laundry, photo, beauty, shoe repair, funeral, etc.)921877554611213488
73Business Services (advertising, services to dwellings, computer, management consulting, etc.)263374765178408477649835
737Computer & Data Processing6011914850584127091614
7392Management, Consulting & Public Relations Services9316290385001240413063
75Automotive Repair, Services & Garages58137133834889292
76Miscellaneous Repair Services (radio & TV repair, electronics repair, upholstery & furniture repair, etc.)225179181554399
78, 79Amusement & Recreation, including motion pictures46161293728949524
80 (except 806)Health Services, except Hospitals204475042214851041242
81Legal Services396668176330897
823, 824, 829Selected Education Services114610101421381
83Social Services6114442510135
891Engineering, Architectural & Surveying Services111396527143483389124599
893Accounting, Auditing & Bookkeeping Services1098442313527
892, 9Other Services1382413681749146
NAAll Cambridge Establishments & Operations8839365133772779952318856


  1. Estabs refers to establishments.

Source: U. S. Census, Census of Service Industries, 1982.

The figures presented here should not compared to the employment by industry figures generated by the Massaachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. The methodology and intended uses of the information differ, making direct comparisons impracticable.

For More Information

For more information about socioeconomic and demographic statistics about Cambridge, please contact Cliff Cook, ccook@cambridgema.gov, Planning Information Manager, at 617/349-4656.