37 Brookline Street

37 Brookline Street
37 Brookline Street is a 6,582 square foot property in Cambridgeport, located a couple of blocks south of Massachusetts Avenue and the amenities of Central Square, including shops, restaurants and the Central Square MBTA station. The property contains an existing vacant three-family building, which was most recently owned by the late artist Peter Valentine, a well-known member of the Cambridge arts community. Just A Start (JAS) purchased the property in July 2023 and intends to replace the existing triple-decker with a new affordable multi-family rental development under the provisions of the Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO).

JAS is holding their first AHO community meeting on July 10 at 6 p.m. The meeting may be attended in person at 55 Norfolk Street, Cambridge or via Zoom. To register to attend the meeting, please click here

For more information about the project, please visit JAS’s website at https://justastart.org/housing/upcoming-projects/.  

37 Brookline Street Schedule: 



More Information

JAS Community Meeting

July 10, 2024 at 6 p.m.

View the meeting flyer.

Current: a 6,582 square foot property in Cambridgeport, containing an existing vacant three-family building

Proposed: TBD affordable rental units