September 28, 2013
Park Opening Celebration
On Saturday, September 28, 2013, residents of all ages celebrated the re-opening of Alberico Park, Fulmore Park, and Old Morse (David Nunes) Park in Cambridgeport! There was music, food, entertainment, face painting, and giveaways! Go to the Images tab of this webpage to see photos from the festivities!
September 2013
All 3 parks are now open for use!
Renovations are complete at Alberico Park, Fulmore Park, and Old Morse Park! All 3 parks are now open for use! Please check back for information and updates regarding an opening celebration for the parks!
Please note that although the parks are open for use there may still be some minor construction and landscaping activities at the sites. The contractor is currently working with the City to address issues with the waterplay systems at Old Morse Park and Fulmore Park.
August 2013
Fulmore Park and David Nunes (Old Morse) Park are open to the public!
Major construction at both Fulmore Park, which began in August 2012, and David Nunes (Old Morse) Park, which began in July 2012, is now complete. Together, the new parks will feature a range of open space and play activities for all ages in the neighborhood including: interactive blocks, waterplay, play structures for younger children, sand play, community gathering space, challenging play structures, table tennis, basketball, new paths, ornamental trees and visually appealing, tolerant landscaping and plantings.
Alberico Park construction
Construction at Alberico Park is nearing completion. The renovated park will feature unique play structures, lawn areas, hills, a dry “river bed” feature, gathering spaces, seating areas, swings, and a multiuse hard surface area that can even be used for ice skating year round! The final phase of construction at Alberico Park includes the installation of the multi-use hard surface area, fencing, utility work, sidewalk work, landscaping and sodding.
July 2013
Fulmore Park is open to the public!
Major construction work at Fulmore Park began in August 2012 and is now complete. The new park features a range of play opportunities especially for younger children, including blocks, waterplay, a water pump table, sand play, circular path, new landscaping, ornamental trees and plantings. Please note that over the next few days some final miscellaneous items such as touch up painting and additional signage will be completed and adjustments will be made to the waterplay feature. It is anticipated that the park will remain open while this work takes place.
David Nunes (Old Morse) Park and Alberico Park
Construction is nearing completion at David Nunes (Old Morse) Park and Alberico Park. In order to ensure that the recently renovated parks are safe and ready to use there are a number of relatively small but significant items that remain to be completed in the construction process at those two locations before they can be opened to the public.
David Nunes (Old Morse) Park Construction
Construction at David Nunes Park began in July 2012 and the renovated park will feature community gathering space, challenging play structures, opportunities for active play, waterplay, table tennis, a basketball court and landscaping that is both visually appealing and tolerant for park use. The final phase in the construction process at David Nunes Park includes surface paving, installation of wood chips, rubber safety surfacing, water equipment testing, play equipment inspections, sidewalk repairs, and signage.
Alberico Park Construction
Construction at Alberico Park began in June 2012 and the renovated park will feature unique play structures, lawn areas, hills, a dry “river bed” feature, gathering spaces, seating areas, swings, and a multiuse hard surface area that can even be used for ice skating year round! The final phase of construction at Alberico Park includes the installation of the multi-use hard surface area, fencing, utility work, sidewalk work, landscaping and sodding.
For both locations it is important to allow any recently laid sod sufficient time to take hold, especially on hills and slopes.
Thank you for your continued patience and we look forward to enjoying the parks for years to come!
June 2013
Construction on Alberico, Fulmore, and David Nunes (Old Morse) Parks is continuing and is currently anticipated to be completed during the month of July (weather permitting). We do apologize for the inconvenience of having these 3 parks closed while they are being renovated and thank neighborhood residents in particular for their continued patience.
The next stages of the construction process include continued irrigation work as well as loaming and sodding for new grassy areas, installing initial layers of rubber surfacing materials, completion of play structures, site lighting, additional planting work, final paving layers, and installing fencing and gates.
Please note that as with any construction project, even at this stage in the process, there are still factors that can affect the final schedule.
Any parking restrictions will be posted at least 24 hours in advance. Please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times to avoid being ticketed and towed. General work hours will be 7:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M., Monday through Friday.
April 2013
Spring has arrived and significant construction activity has resumed at the Cambridgeport Parks, which are approaching completion (currently estimated for late June/early July). The next stages of the renovations will include the installation of nature inspired play equipment and seating areas, irrigation systems, rubber surfacing under the play structures, and landscape plantings.
Any parking restrictions will be posted at least 24 hours in advance. Please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times to avoid being ticketed and towed. General work hours will be 7:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M., Monday through Friday.
Please keep in mind that the parks will remain completely closed during the renovations.
December 2012
Renovations to Alberico, Fulmore and David Nunes (Old Morse) parks are proceeding on schedule for anticipated completion in spring 2013!
Click on the Images tab to see the latest construction photos.
Site work will continue in December and throughout the winter months (weather permitting). General work hours will be 7:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M., Monday through Friday. Any parking restrictions during the winter months will be posted on a week- to- week schedule. During periods of inclement weather “No Parking” signs will be removed (and will be reposted 24 hours in advance of work resuming).
November 2012
Over the next few weeks, the site preparation and earthwork phase will be concluding and new trees and equipment will be planted and installed.
Parking restrictions for the month of November have been posted at the three Cambridgeport parks. Please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times to avoid being ticketed and towed. General work hours will be 7:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M., Monday through Friday.
August 2012
Construction on the new Fulmore Park in Cambridgeport is now underway. The new park will include a range of activities including blocks, waterplay, a water pump table, sand play, a circular path, seating areas, and landscaping with small hills, ornamental trees and plantings. It is anticipated that the park will re-open in Spring 2013.
July 2012
Construction on the new David Nunes (Old Morse) Park is underway. The new park will include a new community gathering space, challenging play structures, opportunities for active play, water play, a basketball court, and tolerant, visually appealing plantings and landscaping.
June 2012
On Wednesday, June 27, 2012 the City’s contractor JNJ Sacca, Inc. began site improvements at Alberico Park. JNJ Sacca will begin demolition and remove wooden playground equipment, benches and tables, interior concrete and asphalt surfacing, wooden light poles, perimeter chain link fencing and gates. JNJ Sacca will coordinate with City Parks and Urban Forestry on selective tree trim and removal. Demolition will continue through the month of July. Site preparation and earthwork will follow demolition and continue throughout the summer. Construction updates will be posted at the site and on the web.
March 2012
On March 22, 2012 a second public meeting was held to discuss upcoming renovations to Alberico Park, David Nunes Park, and Fulmore Park, all located in Cambridgeport.
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Responses to Frequently Asked Questions
What was the community process?
The process began in fall 2011, when the Community Development Department (CDD) sent out over 3,100 post cards to households which surround the three parks being renovated in Cambridgeport, introducing the process and inviting residents to the first community meeting.
There were two well-attended community meetings (in December 2011 and in March 2012). At the first meeting, City staff made a short presentation on the Healthy Parks and Playgrounds Initiative, the City’s design approach and objectives, and heard comments from the public as to how parks in the neighborhood are currently used and might be used in the future. At the second public meeting, concept plans for the renovated parks were presented and discussed. Over 40 online survey responses were submitted and residents provided additional input throughout the process via email, and telephone. CDD staff also presented concept plans to the Cambridgeport Neighborhood Association at their meeting on March 28th, 2012.
Why are all 3 parks closed at once?
Planning for the renovation of all three parks simultaneously provides a unique opportunity to create play environments and gathering spaces for these 3 parks in the context of the open space system in the neighborhood and allows the creation of a broader range of new and interesting experiences and activities for users of all ages and physical abilities.
In addition, renovating all three parks together allows for efficient recycling and reuse of materials between all of the sites including fencing fabric, granite curbing, some furniture, fill to create landscaping and hills, sand that can be reused in electrical conduit trenches, and even some tree logs that will be made into custom park furniture. It also allows for extremely efficient use of contractor resources, including machinery and labor, reducing both the overall cost of the project and providing a less energy intensive outcome.
We do recognize that closing all three parks during the summer can be an inconvenience for neighbors and park users and appreciate your patience and understanding during the construction phase. For a list of nearby parks and waterplay opportunities please refer to the City of Cambridge Open Space and Waterplay Maps
Why is it necessary to completely fence off the parks during construction?
During construction parks are fenced off primarily for public safety, but also for security and protection of materials and equipment that may need to be stored on site while awaiting installation.
Why is construction happening in the summer?
A summer construction schedule is very typical for outdoor construction projects in general, as well as park renovation projects in Cambridge. Many of the construction activities associated with the renovations require milder weather to complete in a timely manner, and are much more expensive and risky to undertake in freezing weather.
Are any trees being removed?
In general, only trees that are determined by the arborist to have been compromised, pose a safety hazard within these playgrounds, or that are in an advanced state of decline will be removed as part of the renovations. Every effort is made to include healthy existing trees in the new park, and to add new trees when possible.
Why does it sometimes seem as though nothing is happening on site?
There are a number of reasons why there may appear to be a lack of activity at one of the sites: the focus could be at one of the other park sites for a time, or the contractor may have to wait on the delivery of play equipment, water and lighting fixtures, and fabrication of the many custom features planned for these parks. The City makes every effort to plan, coordinate, and manage the construction process and schedule efficiently.
When will the parks reopen?
The newly renovated parks are expected to open in the spring of 2013. This will allow time to complete the major landscaping components of project in early spring.
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