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Additional Publications

In addition to the reports and other documents listed in the Publications Directory, the Department produces a number of other reports and newsletters on a regular basis.  These include the following:

For More Information

For paper copies and to obtain more information about a publication please contact the Community development Department at 617/349-4600 or

Document Name Description Geography Year
Low Carbon Energy Supply Strategy 2018 The purpose of this study was to determine current and future energy demand, assess the potential for renewable energy generation in Cambridge, develop technical scenarios for renewable energy delivery systems, and evaluate the risks, benefits, and feasibility of each scenario along with discussion of potential implementation pathways. Citywide 4/19/2018
Getting Around Cambridge Magazine (2018) This annual magazine highlights sustainable transportation resources, programs, and initiatives in Cambridge. 6/12/2018
Cambridge Cannabis Business Locations November 2023 Map of Cambridge City showing locations of cannabis business in operation and those about to open. 11/27/2023
Cannabis Business Locations 2023 Map of Cannabis Business Locations in Cambridge Citywide 2/24/2023
Map of Cambridge Cannabis Businesses Locations April 2024 map of existing and future cannabis businesses 4/22/2024
Map of Cambridge Cannabis Business Locations 2024 map of cannabis business locations in permitting process to date 3/27/2024
Cambridge Host Community Agreement Template 2024 Template HCA 5/28/2024
Cambridge Cannabis Business Locations July 2024 map of cannabis businesses 6/26/2024
Steps to Starting a Business Explains the steps involved in starting a business in the City of Cambridge, providing an overview of the process and regulatory requirements. Citywide 7/10/2012
Recommendations Concerning a New Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance 1997 report describing recommended approaches and options for the City of Cambridge to adopt broader inclusionary zoning provisions Citywide 7/12/1997