Quickbooks for Growth-Using Quickbooks to Prepare to get a Loan
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Tuesday, April 2, 2013
City Hall Annex
344 Broadway
4th Floor Conference Room
City Wide
Rona Abrahams, rabrahams@cambridgema.gov, 617-349-4637
Join us for this specialized QuickBooks Class to find out what bankers look for and how to prepare and present your case when applying for a loan to grow your business. This seminar teaches you how to organize and present financial data to a bank. This workshop will cover how to tell a story with your financials and why the story is important when applying for a loan, look at sample financials statements that led to successful bank financing, how to analyze financial statements from a banker's perspective and questions that will arise in potential banker meeting. The instructor recommends bringing your business' Profit and Loss and month-by-month Balance sheets to class so you can apply techniques to your own data.
Pre-registration is recommended. Free to eligible Cambridge business owners and residents, $20.00 for others. To pre-register and to determine your eligibility status, please contact Rona Abrahams, at rabrahams@cambridgema.gov or 617-349-4637 or Pardis Saffari at psaffari@cambridgema.gov or 617-349-4654.