Transit in Cambridge
You can find many public transportation options in Cambridge. We have subway, buses, commuter rail, shuttles, and bike share. As a result, many Cambridge residents, workers, visitors, and students get around on public transit, walking and biking. We expect and plan for changes in Cambridge that make public transit even more important. These changes include more jobs, more homes, smaller families, and more single people. Learn more about how the city and state agencies are improving public transit.
Public transit improvements
The City is working on studies and projects to improve public transit. These projects will improve travel by transit in Cambridge and the rest of the region. You can find more information on those studies and projects below.
What is the city working on?
The City has two main programs for public transit improvements: bus stop amenities and bus priority.
What are regional and state agencies working on ?
The state government and the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority have many projects to improve public transit. We have listed ongoing construction and planning projects related to Cambridge. Click the links below for more information. Each link will open a new window.
Ongoing construction and planning projects
Completed studies
How does the city decide what work to focus on?
To guide actions to improve public transit, the City created a Transit Strategic Plan in 2015. The City's Transit Advisory Committee provided feedback and advice on the preparation of this plan. Since 2015, the advisory committee works to advance the goals and objectives of that plan.
Click to view the plan in high resolution / low resolution
Additional transit information
What amenities can I find at bus stops?
The City, the MBTA, and other organizations have installed amenities at bus stops around the city. Bus stop amenities include bus benches, waiting shelters, trash and recycling cans, real-time information signs, and shade trees. Click the links below to see maps of some of these amenities. Each link will open in a new window.
Who runs public transportation in Cambridge?
Public transportation includes public transit, private shuttles open to the public, and bike share. Click the links below to see more information from public transportation operators.
How do I keep up with information on public transit?
The City publishes the Transit Bulletin e-mail newsletter every month. Each edition has information on public transit in Cambridge. This includes advisory committee meeting notices, transit news, project information, and events. You can see some previous editions by clicking the links below:
Click here to sign-up for the Transit Bulletin newsletter.
For more information
For more information, contact Andrew Reker at or 617-349-6959.