1992 Census of Manufacturers

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SIC CodeIndustryTotal EstabsEstabs w/ 20+ EmployeesEmployees (1,000)Payroll ($M)Production Workers (1,000)Work Hours ($M)Wages ($M)Value Added ($M)Cost of Materials ($M)Value of Shipments ($M)New Capital Expenditures ($M)
20Food and Kindred Products116122.40.81.515.581.9621443.9
27Printing and Publishing56170.932.60.40.810.991.237.8127.82.3
28Chemicals and Allied Products1180.728.40.40.711.3117.862.5176(D)
35Industrial Machinery and Equipment1440.630.30.20.4546.965.1110.8(D)
38Instruments and Related Products1680.727.
NAAll Manufacturing Auxiliaries(1)1311H(D)--------------
NACambridge Total153617.1301.52.44.857.5429.1273.7696.561.4


  1. 1. Auxiliaries are establishments whose employees are primarily engaged in performing supporting services for other establishments of the same companies, rather than for the general public or other business establishments.
  2. (D) - Withheld to avoid disclosing information about individual companies. Data is included in broader categories.
  3. Estab refers to establishments.

Source: U. S. Census Bureau, Survey of Manufactures, 1992.

The figures presented here should not compared to the employment by industry figures generated by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. The methodology and intended uses of the information differ, making direct comparisons impracticable.

For More Information

For more information about socioeconomic and demographic statistics about Cambridge, please contact Cliff Cook, ccook@cambridgema.gov, Planning Information Manager, at 617/349-4656.