New Riverside Park

New park in Riverside

This new 3/4 acre park at the intersection of Memorial Drive and Western Avenue was created in 2010 as part of an agreement between the City of Cambridge, Harvard University and the Riverside Neighborhood. The park design is a result of extensive community input and feedback at several community meetings as well as a neighborhood survey, and features a variety of sitting areas, tables and benches, new trees and landscaping, a water feature, pathways, a large open grassy area.

This project has been completed. No further updates to this project page will be made.

An open space survey was sent to Riverside Neighborhood residents and made available online during the summer of 2007. The survey asked questions about household type and size, what types of activities people wanted in the new park, and the importance of different park functions. Five public meetings held between September 2007 and January 2008 further guided the design of the new park. Construction of the new park was completed in 2010.

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For information about park maintenance, reservations for events, and athletic field permits, please visit the Permits and Maintenance page on our website.

For more information, contact Stuart Dash, Director of Community Planning, at 617/349-4640 or by email at

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