Cambridgeport - Neighborhood 5

Grassy hill on a sunny day with trees and cannon sculptures

Cambridgeport is a dense and diverse neighborhood consisting of approximately ten thousand residents, abutting MIT on to the east, bounded by Massachusetts Avenue to the north, River Street to the west, and the Charles River to the south. Central Square, the main neighborhood commercial center, includes an MBTA Red Line station and serves as a hub for many MBTA bus routes. A significant amount of new development, including new retail, office/laboratory, residential, and institutional uses, has taken place within the former industrial area along the southeastern edge of the neighborhood. 

Cambridgeport Neighborhood Map 

Cambridgeport 3D Map

Cambridgeport Statistical Profile

The objective of the the neighborhood study and subsequent updates is to identify planning issues in the neighborhood and articulate recommendations to address those issues. The study recommendations are the key part of the neighborhood study and updates. The recommendations are used not only to guide neighborhood planning efforts for the Community Development Department but in many cases are included as work items for other City departments when appropriate.

2010 Neighborhood Study Update

The 2010 Cambridgeport Neighborhood Study Update provided an opportunity to report back to the neighborhood on the status and progress made on the previous set of neighborhood recommendations and to get information on any new or outstanding issues facing the neighborhood that should become new recommendations.

The final report for the Cambridgeport Study Update is now available and can be downloaded below. Printed copies are available by request.

2010 Cambridgeport Neighborhood Study Update 

2003 Neighborhood Study Update

Recognizing the need to ensure that the recommendations put forth in the neighborhood studies remain current, the neighborhood planning staff works to update the neighborhood studies, reviewing recommendations to identify those obsolete, completed or remaining to be completed and to establish a schedule for outstanding items. In a more abbreviated version of the original study process, a series of public meetings is held for each update, and a Summary, Recommendations, and Action Plan document is produced. The Cambridgeport Neighborhood Study Update, published in 2003, represents the first such update completed.

2000 Neighborhood Study

The original neighborhood study was conducted from 1997 to 1999 and issued in 2000.

To request a printed copies of any neighborhood study please call Tracey Joyce in the Community Planning Division at 617/349-4650 or email her at

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Neighborhood Planner: Daniel Wolf,, 617/349-4618 

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