Homebuyer Education

First-Time Homebuyer Class

Are you tired of renting? Is your goal this year to own a home but the process seems overwhelming? The City of Cambridge can help.

The Housing Division offers a free four-week workshop which provides participants with an overview of the homebuying process from professionals that are involved in the process. Classes include a combination of presentations by City homebuyer counselors and local real estate professionals.

Topics Include:

  • Budgeting and Credit
  • The Housing Search Process
  • Obtaining a Mortgage
  • Legal Issues
  • Home Inspections
  • Insurance
  • Successful Homeownership
  • Financial Assistance Programs

Classes are open to everyone, including non-Cambridge residents. You do not need to be eligible for other City housing programs to attend the class. Space is limited and preregistration is required. The City of Cambridge offers the First-time Homebuyer Workshop several times each year.

Registration for First-time Homebuyer Class

Registration for the April 2025 First-Time Homebuyer Workshop is now available. The workshop will take place virtually via Zoom and pre-registration is required.  Click here to sign-up.   A confirmation window will appear after you register and a reminder email will be sent prior to the first class. 

If you are interested in taking a First-Time Homebuyer class outside of Cambridge, please visit My Mass Home to find a list of agencies in Massachusetts that offer CHAPA-certified first-time homebuyer classes.

Special Classes

The Housing Division also offers a number of specialized courses throughout the year. These classes include workshops on credit and budgeting; and a post-purchase class for condominium owners. Special classes are listed on the CDD calendar.

Individual Counseling

Cambridge residents who have completed the First-Time Homebuyer Workshop can schedule an individual counseling session with a Housing Division homebuyer counselor. You can use this session to review next steps, develop a budget, examine credit issues, or discuss other questions you have about homeownership or the homebuying process. To find out more about individual counseling sessions or to request an appointment, contact Antonia Finley, Homebuyer Coordinator, at 617/349-4643 or homeownership@cambridgema.gov.