Homeownership Resale Pool

Columbia Court

There are more than 500 affordable homeownership units in the City of Cambridge. When a current owner decides to sell their unit, a new buyer is selected from the Homeownership Resale Pool administered by the Housing Department.


If you are interested in applying to the Resale Pool, please download the application and guidelines here or call the Housing Information Line at 617/349-4622 and request a Resale Pool application. 

The Housing Department accepts new Homeownership Resale Pool  program via regular mail or via the locked drop box located outside 344 Broadway. 


The Resale Pool is open to households earning between 50% and 100% Area Median Income (AMI) adjusted for household size. Click here for current income limits.

How the Pool Works

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Preference is given to Cambridge residents and households with children. When you have submitted your application and all the required documentation, it will be reviewed to determine the unit size and preference group for your household. Applicants are placed into the appropriate preference group by unit size in the order applications are received. 

Unit sizes are determined based on Housing Department occupancy standards. These standards require that adults in a relationship share a bedroom. No more than two persons may share a bedroom. Applicants may choose to under-house themselves by having two children share a bedroom. 

When units become available, Housing Department staff will contact a select group of applicants with basic information about an available unit as well as a link to a full video tour of the unit. Applicants will be selected based on the Resale program’s preference point system, bedroom size eligibility, and income information on-file. 

If an applicant is interested in the unit, they are required to submit updated income, asset, and household size documentation, and a mortgage preapproval letter to confirm eligibility. The eligible applicant who has the highest position in the pool will have the opportunity to tour the unit in-person, and if interested in purchasing the unit, sign a Letter of Intent and submit a deposit.  

When an applicant decides to purchase a unit, they enter into a contract to purchase the unit and then must obtain conventional mortgage financing from a bank. Housing Department staff will work with buyers through the purchase process and provide assistance in understanding available mortgage products. All buyers must sign an Affordable Housing Covenant, which includes limited equity provisions, residency requirements, and resale restrictions for the affordable unit.

Existing Applicants

Once you are in the Resale Pool, it is important to notify the Housing Department if you have a change in income, household size, or other circumstance that may affect your eligibility or ability to purchase a home. To update your application, please download, complete and return the Homeownership Resale Pool Application Update Form with copies of all required documentation to the Housing Department.  

Units Available

The units offered through the Resale Pool are units that are currently subject to a Affordable Housing restrictions held by the City. Available units were developed through a variety of City programs and are located throughout the city. They range from units in high-rises to townhouses to small buildings. It is impossible to predict what type of units will be available next or when a unit will be offered to a particular family. 

Resale pool units are priced to be affordable to varying income levels depending on the Affordable Housing restriction for each unit. “Affordable” means that a household would generally not be paying more than 30% of gross income for housing costs. Housing costs include mortgage principal and interest; property taxes; condominium fee; and insurance.

Newly developed units are not offered through the Resale Pool. Homebuyers for newly developed units are selected through separate application processes and resulting lotteries. Click here to sign-up to be notified of lottery opportunities as they become available.  Information on other available units is available here. Applicants in the Resale Pool will be  notified of other ownership units offered through the City for which they may be eligible.

Answers to frequently asked questions about the Resale Pool can be found here.

For More Information

For additional information on the Resale Pool, please contact the Homeownership Team at 617/349-4643 or homeownership@cambridgema.gov.

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