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MSYEP youth at the park

Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program (MSYEP)

Human Service Programs

The goal of MSYEP is to serve as a young person's first job experience and exposure to the world of work. The program is open to Cambridge residents ages 14 through the summer after completing high school.

Teens are placed in public sector and non-profit jobs throughout Cambridge and in surrounding communities for six weeks during the summer. They work 20 hours a week and are paid minimum wage by the City. Nearly half of the youth are placed in Summer Work and Learning sites, which offer participants a valuable educational and employment experience using the community’s resources to expose youth to potential educational or career paths.

Youth have the opportunity to attend college tours, financial literacy trainings, and a variety of program-sponsored enrichment and social events during the summer.

2025 MSYEP Information

  • Applications will be accepted April 16 - May 9, 2025. The online application will be posted on this webpage on April 16.
  • MSYEP will run from July 7 - August 15, 2025
  • Participants will work 20 hours per week and will be paid $15 per hour.

To be eligible to apply:

  • Teens must be Cambridge residents
  • Teens must be turning 14 years old by July 7, 2025 and are age-eligible through the summer after completing high school.  
  • Teens must be eligible to work in the US in order to get paid
If you have questions about MSYEP, please email youthemployment@cambridgema.gov

Frequently Asked Questions

Page was last modified on 2/28/2025 11:04 AM
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