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Our Cambridge Street


From fall 2021 through fall 2022, the City led Our Cambridge Street, a planning study for Cambridge Street between Inman Square and Lechmere Station. Cambridge Street was identified in Envision Cambridge as an area where sensitive and sustainable growth could provide opportunities for affordable housing; support local retail and service providers; enhance opportunities for walking and bicycling; and improve the public realm, among other community interests and benefits.

The City worked with the community to craft a shared vision for Cambridge Street based on an inclusive and transparent engagement process. See below for the final plan and associated materials.

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Our Cambridge Street: A Community Plan

Our Cambridge Street consists of:

  1. The Final Plan 
  2. Community Engagement Appendix
  3. Existing Conditions Appendix

The Final Plan

Our Cambridge Street is the full final plan.

View Our Cambridge Street

Cover page of Our Cambridge Street. Text reads: Our Cambridge St. a community plan. Black text over a background made up of profiles of diverse people shown in bright multicolor.

Community Engagement Appendix

The Community Engagement Appendix describes in detail the community engagement process, and summarizes what we heard.

View the Community Engagement Appendix.

A graphic showing some key statistics from the Our Cambridge Street community engagement process. Text reads: 3 community events, 5 virtual public meetings, 6 in-person pop ups, 6 focus groups, 20 conversations with businesses, 1,000+ survey responses, and 1,400+ total participation.

Existing Conditions Appendix

The Existing Conditions Appendix shows research and analysis of the Cambridge Street community completed at the beginning of the Our Cambridge Street process. 

View the Existing Conditions Appendix

A graphic. White text on a black background. Text reads: Existing Conditions Assessment. Who uses Cambridge St? How can all street users be accommodate? How can Cambridge Street support climate action and resilience?  Where are the development pressures?


The Our Cambridge Street StoryMap offers a different way to review the information from the Our Cambridge Street Final Plan.

View the Our Cambridge Street Story Map

White text over a photo. Text reads: Our Cambridge Street:  A Community Plan. Crafting a shared vision for Cambridge Street.  Photo  shows a two-lane street, lined with three-story buildings. A person on a bike bikes away from the viewer.

Meeting Materials:

Virtual Community Meeting 1
 (December 8, 2021)
Presentation Slides | Video Recording

Virtual Community Meeting 2 (February 3, 2022)  
Presentation Slides | Video Recording

Virtual Community Meeting 3 (February 18, 2022)
Presentation Slides | Video Recording

Community Pop-Up Events (May 6 and 7, 2022)
Photo Gallery | Ideas and Recommendations | Engagement Summary Sheet | Engagement Summary Report

Planning Board Presentation (October 11, 2022)
Presentation Slides | Video Recording

City Council Neighborhood & Long Term Planning Committee (October 19, 2022)
Presentation Slides | Video Recording

Final Virtual Community Meeting (December 15, 2022)
Presentation Slides | Video Recording

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