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Universal Design Playground Project

Project Image

The Louis A. DePasquale Universal Design Playground is now open for the Cambridge community to enjoy. Located at Danehy Park on Field Street, the 30,000 square foot play area is the first in Cambridge to fully incorporate Universal Design (UD) - the concept that all parts should be as usable as possible, without changes, by everyone. In addition to physical accessibility, UD takes sensory, cognitive, and emotional abilities into consideration to create an environment that is welcoming to all people to the greatest extent possible.

The Cambridge City Council voted on November 15, 2021 to name the playground after City Manager Louis A. DePasquale in recognition of his commitment to bringing the Universal Design Playground to fruition and to ensuring community involvement and engagement throughout the process.

Learn more about the playground!


Update (July 2024):

Louis A. DePasquale Playground named a 2024 "Best of Boston" / Best Outdoor Play Space by Boston Magazine. Learn more

Update (June 8, 2022):
The current slide at the large play structure at the DePasquale Universal Design Playground is temporarily being replaced by a rope climber.  A new slide has been ordered and will be installed when delivered in the near future.

Update (December 30, 2021):
The Universal Design Playground is open to the public, effective 12/30/21 at 11:00 a.m.

Update (December 17, 2021):
As part of the construction finalization process, it was determined that the climbing ropes in the large play structure require some modifications. It is anticipated that the modifications will be completed in January 2022. Until that time, the playground will not be open to the public.

Play structure at new universal design playground  Art feature at new universal design playground  Inside a play structure at new universal design playground  Universal design playground under construction

A new playground will open for the community to enjoy at Danehy Park. Located between Field Street and the Briston Arms residential complex, the 30,000 square foot play area is the first playground in Cambridge to fully incorporate Universal Design (UD) - the concept that all parts should be as usable as possible, without changes, by everyone. In addition to physical accessibility, UD takes sensory, cognitive, and emotional abilities into consideration to create an environment that is welcoming to all people to the greatest extent possible.

While many of Cambridge's playgrounds include elements of UD, by constructing a playground that demonstrates UD principles in every feature, the City advocates for a more inclusive way of thinking about built spaces.



To view the concept plans for the Cambridge Universal Playground, please click here

A feasibility study for the project, conducted by CDM/Smith, was conducted in 2018 and included site analyses, conceptual layouts, anticipated permitting needed, construction and demolition impacts, cost estimates, and other items to consider in the development of the design.

The City used information from the Feasibility Study to guide the creation of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for design services for the new playground. The firm Weston & Sampson, was selected to lead a team of designers, engineers, architects, landscape architects, and environmental scientists to design the new park.

A Focus Group comprised of city staff, parents, abutters, and educators was also created to work closely in coordination with the design team as well as solicit input from residents throughout the public process to develop park concepts and design.  

There have been 5 Focus Group meetings since spring 2019:
  • Thursday, April 25, 2019
  • Thursday, May 30, 2019 (site visit to Menino Playground at Spaulding Rehab Hospital)
  • Thursday, August 1, 2019
  • Thursday, October 17, 2019
  • Thursday, December 5, 2019
The second community meeting to discuss the new playground was held on Thursday, December 19th, 2019, at the Russell Youth Center. City staff along with the design firm of Weston and Sampson presented initial site analysis findings and preliminary design thoughts for the park. 
The first public meeting took place on Thursday October 24, 2019, at the Tobin School Auditorium. 


Page was posted on 12/19/2019 12:19 PM
Page was last modified on 7/22/2024 10:29 AM
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