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Green Street Garage Construction Begins on September 6

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 2 years ago.

The Green Street Garage will close to hourly parkers on Tuesday, September 6, while the City’s contractor, Contractor Specialists Inc., carries out maintenance and repair work.

Monthly parkers (including monthly passholders and cars with hangtags) can still park at the garage. While this construction is going on, the garage's entrance will temporarily change. Beginning the week of September 6, the entrance will change to 217 Franklin Street. Monthly parkers should expect circulation changes and for portions of the garage to close.

Work will include waterproofing, leak repairs, and other maintenance. Construction is expected to conclude in December 2022.

The City will post updates to our parking webpage and on signage in and around the garage.


Looking for alternative parking nearby? 

Municipal garages and lots within a half mile include:

  • Municipal Lot #8* at 375 Green Street (.2 mile drive, .2 mile walk)
  • Municipal Lot #4* at 96 Bishop Allen Drive (.3 mile drive, .2 mile walk)
  • Municipal Lot #5* at 84 Bishop Allen Drive (.4 mile drive, .1 mile walk)
  • Municipal Lot #6** at 38 Bishop Allen Drive (.4 mile drive, .2 mile walk)
  • Municipal Lot #9* at 9 Pleasant Street (.4 mile drive, .2 mile walk)

*2 hour maximum from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., 4 hour maximum from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. See prices here.
**4 hour maximum. See prices here.

Private garages and lots within a half mile include:

Please note that the City of Cambridge does not run these private lots and garages.  

Page was posted on 8/30/2022 12:26 PM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 1:55 AM
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