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Cartoon images of mattresses and recycling symbols

Mattress Recycling

Public Works

About Mattress Recycling

Mattress and box springs are now recycled! To schedule your free pick-up, use the Mattress/Box Spring collection tool below. 

The City of Cambridge has partnered with UTEC, a nonprofit organization serving proven-risk young adults, to provide free weekly curbside mattress and box spring recycling services. Approximately 150 tons of mattresses are removed each year. 

Mattress/Box Spring Collection

UTEC will pick up, deconstruct, and recycle mattress components.

  • Steel will be recycled into a variety of new steel materials
  • Wood will be chipped for mulch
  • Foam will be recycled into carpet padding
  • Textiles will be recycled into a variety of new textile materials

Schedule a Pick Up

This is a free service to Cambridge residents, but advanced scheduling is required. To schedule a pick up, use the Mattress/Box Spring collection tool above. 



To go back to the main waste collections webpage, click here.

Use Mattress/Box Spring Collection tool above to schedule your free curbside collection of a mattress. Generally, collections occur every Thursday, but schedule your collection online to get an exact date for collection.
Page was last modified on 4/24/2023 8:35 PM
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