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Personal Tax Exemptions


Personal Exemptions Application for FY25


The City of Cambridge Assessing department is pleased to launch our online Personal Exemption form.  Homeowners may reduce their property tax bill if they qualify for a personal exemption. 


The personal exemption form has changed for this online application.  The Assessing department has combined the previous multiple applications into one with the intent of ensuring that qualified applicants receive the maximum benefit they are entitled.  This streamlined single application will help to ensure that you will receive the exemption that most reduces your tax bill if you qualify for more than one personal exemption.


Personal exemptions include:

  • Blind,
  • Veterans,
  • Elderly 41C-65 years or older with income and asset requirements,
  • Elderly 17D-70 years Surviving Spouse or Minor Child of Deceased Parent, with asset restrictions or
  • CPA exemption with income restrictions

The personal exemption uses July 1st for determining the ownership and occupancy requirements for each fiscal year.

Each exemption has eligibility requirements, such as age and income limits. While you may not receive more than one personal exemption, you will receive the exemption that most reduces your tax bill should you qualify for more than one personal exemption.

If you were granted an exemption last year, we will send you a reminder for the renewal, but it is still your responsibility to make sure that you file a renewal each year.


Please use this link https://cambridgema.viewpointcloud.com/categories/1127/record-types/6846 to fill out the Personal Exemption application.  If you do not already have a Viewpoint account with the City of Cambridge, you will need to create one for the application.


The application for the Personal Exemption must be filed no later than April 1st of the fiscal year.  If you would prefer to receive a paper personal exemption application or have any questions, please contact the Assessing Department at 617-349-4343.


Page was last modified on 12/26/2024 4:50 PM
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