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Clothing & Textiles Recycling

Clothing and textiles are banned from the trash in Massachusetts.

The City of Cambridge offers free weekly curbside textiles collection, as well as drop-off bins at select locations. To schedule your free pick-up, use the Clothing/Textiles Collection tool below. Approximately 95% of textiles and accessories could be reused/repurposed. This initiative supports the city's goals of reducing waste and is launched in accordance with recommendations from the City's Zero Waste Master Plan.

What clothing and textiles are accepted? All clean and dry pieces, even with stains or missing buttons, can be re‐used and repurposed. Don’t forget linens, towels, shoes, and accessories, like hats, gloves, socks, underwear, belts, purses, handbags, of any style, age or condition. For more details see FAQs below.

Schedule a Pick-Up

This is a free service to Cambridge residents, but advanced scheduling is required. To schedule a collection, visit our partner’s HELPSY webpage here

To drop-off your textiles, use the Get Rid of It Right tab below and search “textiles” to find a drop-off bin near you.  

To go back to the main waste collections webpage, click here.

Sign up for a free at-home pick at this webpage. Or bring your clothing to a drop off bin.


Page was posted on 11/22/2021 3:46 PM
Page was last modified on 3/4/2024 6:56 PM
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Service Requests

Enter a service request via SeeClickFix for things like missed trash pickups, potholes, etc.