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pedestrian and cyclists crossing intersection with cars and art mural in background

Hampshire Street Safety Improvement Project

Project Installed

This page is no longer regularly updated. 

Hampshire Street is a busy corridor navigated daily by people, biking, walking, and driving. It’s also a key piece in the City of Cambridge’s plan for a safe, connected separated bicycle network. Through the Hampshire Street Safety Improvement Project, the City added separated bike lanes and made other safety improvements on Hampshire Street. The project area included:

  • Hampshire Street from Inman Square to Broadway
  • One block of Broadway, from Hampshire Street to Portland Street 

This "quick-build" project changed the layout of the street with new pavement markings, signs, and flex posts.

View the Project Plans:


Installation Updates

Past Meetings and Outreach


Project Background

Page was posted on 8/24/2021 5:10 PM
Page was last modified on 5/30/2024 3:30 PM
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