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New Lease Rent Relief Grant

The  New Lease Rent Relief Grant offers funds to assist with Cambridge businesses with commercial rent. The goal of this program is to help fund small businesses in revitalizing commercial districts left with vacant storefronts due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects. This grant is funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Visit the ARPA Business Dashboard to see more information about past grants.

The grant will provide financial assistance up to $25,000 to subsidize the costs of ground floor commercial rent incurred since January 1, 2023. The New Lease Rent Relief Grant will provide relief to local, for profit, non-franchise/chain businesses with 50 or fewer full-time employees. Businesses that have executed a new street level lease in a commercial district in Cambridge, Massachusetts on or after January 1, 2023 are eligible to apply. This grant is for new businesses with a new ground floor lease only. 

Grants will be available in two rounds:

  • Round One applications are now closed.
  • Round Two applications were available from October 7-28 at 8 p.m. EST.

Please note this grant is taxable, and you will receive a 1099-G form from the City. Once a business receives an award notification, it can take up to 4-6 weeks for a grantee to receive funds. Funds will be delayed if program staff do not receive the correct contract documentation from the business owner.

There is no guarantee that you will secure a grant or that you will receive the maximum amount of funds. The Rent Relief Grant for New Small Businesses will be awarded based on criteria points prioritizing location, industry, and businesses owners disproportionately impacted by the COVID –19 pandemic. This grant is first come, first served. It is possible that grant funds will no longer be available before the final deadline.

Businesses participating in the grant program will be required to fill out a City-conducted exit survey after using the grant funds and provide program staff proof of correct use of the grant funds. If a business does not provide proof of grant use, they may be required to return the funds to the City.


To be eligible, business must be:

  1. A new, non-franchise local for-profit business with a ground floor location within the City of Cambridge that has executed a new lease for commercial space. A commercial space is a building that is zoned or defined as a commercial building by the City.
  2. Compliant with all federal, state and local laws and regulations pertaining to zoning, licensing, and permits.
  3. Compliant with all previous grant requirements such as proof that the grant(s) were used correctly (if the business received a previous City COVID-19 grant).
  4. A retail enterprise including restaurants and personal services (excluding professional services)

If you can respond yes to the questions below you could be eligible for this grant:

  • Is your current business located in Cambridge, MA?
  • Do you have 50 or fewer full-time employees including yourself?
  • Did you sign a multi-year lease on a commercial property in Cambridge on or after January 1, 2023?
  • Is your business currently in operation?
  • Can you provide a new, fully executed multi-year lease signed on or after January 1, 2023?
  • Can you provide rent receipt payments for the immediate six months prior to your application?
    • Round One: March/April 2024
    • Round Two: September/October 2024

Ineligible Businesses:

  • Businesses in a co-working space.
  • An existing business renewing a lease in an existing commercial space in Cambridge.
  • Businesses located outside of Cambridge.
  • Businesses violating any federal, state, or local laws, zoning, licensing, or permits.
  • Cannabis businesses (due to federal funding restrictions).
  • Businesses that received other COVID-19 grants but haven't provided the City with proof of how those funds were used.
  • Businesses seeking funding for rent already covered by another APRA funded or other grant source.
  • Businesses that have lease terms of one year or less. 
  • Nonprofit Organizations

Grant Criteria

Meeting eligibility criteria doesn't guarantee funding. Priority will be given to:

  • Businesses 51% or more owned by a person of color (one point)
  • Businesses 51% or more owned a woman, a veteran, entrepreneurs with disabilities, and/or LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs. (one point)
  • Cambridge resident-owned business enterprises. (one point)
  • Businesses in hard-hit industries (e.g. food services, retail, personal services, and entertainment). (one point)


How to Apply

Required Documents for Application

Round One is Now Closed

Round Two:

  • Current Cambridge lease (executed)
  • 2023 Taxes (2024 financial statements accepted for businesses opened in 2024)
  • Receipts for rent paid

Before you start this application, here is what you need to have available:

  1. A list of all other COVID-19 grants/loans you received.
  2. A copy of your lease and copies of recent rent payments.
  3. A copy of the business 2023 business taxes, profit and loss statements or other business sales/revenue loss documentation, actual or projected.

Inability to provide the above documentation with your grant application will delay reviewing your application or receiving a grant.
If you need assistance completing this application or have questions about this program, please contact smallbizgrants@cambridgema.gov or 617/349-9122 and someone will assist you.

Need Help Applying?

Staff are happy to answer questions and assist business owners with filling out the application. Interpretation services are available upon request. 


Tips and FAQs

No. This grant is for business signing a new lease on a commercial space in Cambridge. 
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