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Massachusetts Department of Public Health Releases Updated Mask Advisory

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 2 years ago.

The Department of Public Health (DPH) released updated guidance regarding the use of masks and face coverings in the Commonwealth.Recognizing that Massachusetts is a national leader in vaccination rates with over 84 percent of eligible residents fully vaccinated and over half of adults boosted, and in light of recent improvements in COVID-19 indicators, effective July 1, 2022, the new guidance advises that masks indoors are optional for most individuals, regardless of vaccination status.

Massachusetts residents have ready access to vaccines, rapid tests, and therapeutics – all the resources needed to prevent severe illness and the Commonwealth’s COVID data shows these tools work.

“To protect friends and family members, residents are reminded that getting a vaccine and booster remain the best way to protect against serious illness or hospitalization from COVID-19,” said Public Health Commissioner Margret Cooke. “Based on our nation-leading vaccination efforts, DPH now recommends that Massachusetts residents have the option to make a personal choice about wearing a mask or face covering in indoor settings regardless of vaccination status.”

All people in Massachusetts (regardless of vaccination status) are required to continue wearing masks or face coverings in certain settings, including in health care facilities.  DPH continues to advise masks for individuals with a weakened immune system, those at increased risk for severe disease because of age or underlying conditions, or who have a household member with a weakened immune system and at increased risk.

Visit www.mass.gov/maskrules for a complete list of venues where face coverings remain required. Today, state requirements for face coverings in certain congregate care settings were also adjusted.

Read the full advisory.

Page was posted on 6/13/2022 9:55 AM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 12:32 AM
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