Solid Waste Hauler Licenses are issued by the Cambridge License Commission pursuant to and in accordance with Cambridge Municipal Code 5.24, Garbage and Salvage Companies. It takes approximately four to six weeks to process the applications and issue the license, if granted.
How to Start
You must file an application, get zoning sign-offs, provide stamped Articles of organization, if a corporation, LLC Agreement if a Limited liability Company, Partnership Agreement if a partnership. You must also provide a Business Certificate.
Applicants are required to:
1. Provide collection services for garbage and recycling either directly or through a sub-contract.
2. List all sub-contractors and solid waste collection and hauling services on the application.
3. Provide a list of all Cambridge accounts indicating which services are being provided to each account and the address that is being serviced.
4. Describe how they promote recycling services and how potential and existing customers are informed that recycling is mandatory in Cambridge.
5. Upon request by the City, distribute information to customers once per year of City Ordinances regarding noise, waste, recycling and other related issues. This information will be provided by the City.
Fee: $175 hearing and application fee. $125 annual licensing fee.