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Obtain a Temporary Disability Parking Permit

Human Service Programs

The Cambridge Commission for Persons with Disabilities offers the Temporary Disability Parking Permit program in order to afford Cambridge residents with disabilities equal opportunities to avail themselves of public parking facilities and on-street parking throughout the City of Cambridge.

How to Start

  1. Download application and complete the Designated Disability Parking Space Application form.
  2. Have your attending physician or other healthcare professional complete appropriate section of application.
  3. Mail or drop off the completed form to:
    Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department
    344 Broadway
    Cambridge, MA 02139
    ATTN: Dana Benjamin
  4. When reviewing applications for a Disability Parking space, the following criteria are taken into consideration:
    • Availability of off-street parking
    • Frequency of use
    • Hazard to motorists and pedestrians of locating the space at the requested location


The following documentation, if applicable, is required with the Residential Disability Parking Application.

  • Property owner statement indicating off-street parking is not available.
  • Physician’s statement indicating need for Disability Parking Space.
  • Photocopy of vehicle registration with disability status.
  • Photocopy of Disability placard along with registration of vehicle.

Additional Information

Any disabled person may park in any disability parking space in Cambridge as long as a Disability Plate or Placard or Cambridge Temporary Disability Parking Permit is displayed.

Page was last modified on 7/24/2023 8:10 PM
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