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Summer Fun for Everyone, including concerts, movies, park activities, water play, Public Spaces, Summer Reading, Summer Food Program and Teen Night Live

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 2 years ago.

kids playing hula hoop in the park
Enjoy a variety of events, activities, and food programs this summer in Cambridge:

Summer Concert Series Tuesday Nights at Danehy Park
Enjoy free live concerts at Danehy Park through Aug. 16

Screen on The Green Movie Nights on Wednesdays This Summer
Enjoy family-friendly outdoor entertainment and movies through Aug. 10

Explore StoryWalks at Local Parks this Summer
Families can enjoy StoryWalks at 8 Cambridge parks

Enjoy Free, Family Friendly Activities at Arts in the Park
Join us weekdays at local parks for free family-friendly activities

Cambridge Youth Programs’ Teen Night LIve
Evening activities at Cambridge Youth Centers for teens ages 14-19

Enjoy Waterplay in Cambridge Parks and Nearby Pools
Take a break from the heat at one of 27 waterplay parks.

Cambridge Summer Food Program Provides Free Meals to Cambridge Youth 18 and Under
The program, operated by the City's Department of Human Service Programs, aims to increase food security for Cambridge families by providing free, nutritious weekday meals to children.

Gather Around: Public Patios Enliven Inman Square
The City of Cambridge installed two public patios on Cambridge Street and is exploring additional locations

Cambridge Public Space Lab
The Cambridge Public Space Lab seeks to cultivate inclusive and participatory public spaces using a spirit of partnership, experimentation, and collective learning.

2022 Reading with Cambridge Public Library
A variety of summer and year-round reading programs for children, youth, and adults.

Page was posted on 7/25/2022 8:07 PM
Page was last modified on 7/24/2023 9:59 PM
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