Elisa Hamilton's Jukebox restored a vintage jukebox and filled it with recordings of Cambridge people's stories. Join us to celebrate the release of 25 new Jukebox stories at Cambridge's Foundry, 101 Rogers St., on Wednesday, April 12, from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jukebox-new-stories-release-party-tickets-585923351517
This event will celebrate the release of these powerful stories, and will honor the Cambridge community members who have shared their stories through the Jukebox project.
Hamilton refurbished a one-of-a-kind 1960 jukebox to reimagine “the idea of jukebox as a machine that plays stories rather than music. Ultimately, there will be 100 tracks on the jukebox—an audio archive of authentic community voices housed in a unique, artistically restored, vintage jukebox, created to celebrate the equally unique, rich perspectives, backgrounds and stories of folks in Cambridge. “
Hamilton was awarded a $100,000 commission to implement "Jukebox" for the 130-year-old industrial building at 101 Rogers St., which was transformed by the City of Cambridge and Cambridge Redevelopment Authority into a public community space for art, entrepreneurship, technology and workforce education.
The public art project is funded by the City of Cambridge's Percent-for-Art Ordinance, which requires that 1 percent of the construction costs on municipal capital investment projects be designated for use in developing public art.