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Shady tree-lined path with a blue sky in the background

Danehy Park Connector

The Danehy Park / New Street Connector multi-use path is a planned bicycle and pedestrian path between Concord Avenue and Danehy Park. The goal of the project is to provide community members a safe path to a variety of destinations. The design process will also consider opportunities for landscaping and tree planting, lighting, seating, and public art as part of the pathway project. Path users will enjoy better access to Danehy Park, residential buildings along New Street, Fresh Pond Mall, and to the existing Watertown Greenway multi-use path along Fresh Pond.

Public engagement activities are underway! See below for a list of upcoming events.

We would like to hear from you about your ideas for the site. Use the button below to submit your thoughts about the Danehy Connector design project.

Tell us your thoughts

Path Location Map

The path project is taking place between Concord Ave and Sherman Street, and between Fresh Pond Mall and New Street.  Click this link to view a larger version of the map in a new window.

This is a map showing the extents of the multi-use path corridor design and construction project. The corridor begins at Concord Ave, travels between New Street and Fresh Pond Mall, and ends near Danehy Park.

Project Vision

The Danehy-New Street Connector Path will:

  • Provide a new community corridor which will become an important, accessible link for people walking, bicycling, and rolling, connecting the North Cambridge neighborhood to the Alewife area and valuable open spaces such as Danehy Park, Fresh Pond, and the Watertown-Cambridge Greenway multi-use path.
  • Be set in an ecologically improved, naturally resilient, green, landscaped area that will use native plantings to create natural habitat.
  • Consider future connections to nearby destinations and neighborhoods, and will incorporate site amenities to make it possible to pass through and pause within a comfortable, calm, and natural setting.
  • Create an accommodating path space for users of all ages and abilities.

We encourage you to give us your feedback on the draft vision above.

What is a project vision?

A vision is a broad statement about the goals of a project. Project goals are general statements about what path users and neighbors hope to achieve with the completed multi-use path project.

How did we craft the vision?

We received hundreds of survey responses, comments at in-person events, and additional feedback during remote meetings. This feedback has helped shape the draft vision.

The Latest

Thanks to all who joined us on March 26, 2024 at the 3rd Danehy-New Street Connector Path public meeting

Past Events


A group of people socializing near a blue lemonade stand in Danehy Park

  • On Thursday, June 23, 2022 staff from the Community Development Department attended a community open house event at 362 Rindge Ave. We handed out maps of the project area and discussed the two path projects with residents.
  • On Saturday, June 11, 2022 the City hosted a visioning session for the two path design projects at the Danehy Park New Street entrance with lemonade, snacks, picnic blankets, and activities for kids.

  • On Tuesday, June 7, 2022 we hosted the first community presentation. You can view the pre-recorded portion of the presentation here: https://youtu.be/gb3BTRQxBA8. The presentation included an update on the planning process and an update on the public engagement process, followed by time for questions and answers and general project input. Thanks to all who attended! You can view a PDF of the slides here.

  • On Saturday, June 4, 2022 approximately 25 people joined us for the second community site walk exploring both project sites. Members of the Community Engagement Team joined us to promote public engagement among folks who speak Spanish, Bangal, Haitian-Creole, and Amharic. Thanks to all who attended!

  • On May 5, 2022 approximately 50 people joined us for the first community site walk exploring both project sites. Thanks to all who attended!

  • On December 15, 2021, staff from the Community Development Department attended a community open house event at 362 Rindge Ave. We handed out maps of the project area and discussed the project with residents.

  • November 2021 – HDR and Halvorson retained as consultants to aid in the planning and design of the path.

Stay in the Loop


For more information, please email Charlie Creagh at Ccreagh@cambridgema.gov or Bill Deignan at Wdeignan@cambridgema.gov.

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