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Cambridge Historical Commission Meeting



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Sarah Burks


View case materials here.


Notice is hereby given that a public meeting will be held on Thursday, June 1, 2023, at 6:00 PM to consider the following matters under M.G.L. Ch. 40C and Ch. 2.78 of the Code of the City of Cambridge:

This meeting will be held online with remote participation. The public may participate via the Zoom webinar platform (https://zoom.us/) from a phone, tablet, or computer. To join the meeting, register here: https://tinyurl.com/CHCjune1 or call (301)715-8592. Webinar ID#: 846 1231 7497. Confirm meeting details or view meeting materials online at https://tinyurl.com/CHistComm. Written comment is welcome up to 24 hours before the meeting and may be sent to histcomm@cambridgema.gov.

Public Hearings: Alterations to Designated Properties

Case 4954 (continued): 2 Garden St., by Garden Lodge LLC. Renovate house, demolish carport and rear addition, and construct new 3-story rear addition.

Case 4972: 15 JFK St., by Harvard Collection LLC o/b/o Union Square Donuts, tenant. Install an internally-illuminated blade sign.

Case 4973: 202 Brattle St., by Caroline Mortimer. Replace fences.

Case 4974: 44 JFK St., The Fox Club, by Fox Club Holdings LLC c/o Matt Pierce. Construct addition for accessible entrance and elevator; modify wall.

Case 4854 (amendment): 170/172 Brattle St., by Brattle Street LLC c/o Otto Magdanz. Remove and reconstruct one chimney from the roof up.

Public Hearings: Demolition Review

Case D-1642 (continued): 231 Third St., by 231 Third Street LLC c/o DND-Homes LLC. Demolish 2-story dwelling (1903).

Case D-1643 (continued): 235 Third St., by 235 Third Street LLC c/o DND-Homes LLC. Demolish 1½-story house (1872).

Case D-1567: 88 Holworthy St., by Stephen Sillari. Demolish house (1874).

Bruce A. Irving, Chair
Cambridge Chronicle
, 5/18/23, 5/25/23

Cases may be taken out of order and approved at the beginning of the meeting. Persons who wish to have a hearing on a case should notify the Commission in advance or be present at the beginning of the meeting when the Consent Agenda will be discussed.

Page was posted on 1/24/2018 12:43 PM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 5:41 AM
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