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Flexible Parking Corridor Scheduled Office Hours


  • City Wide


The City of Cambridge’s Community Development Department (CDD) and Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department (TP+T) are hosting an Information Session and two Scheduled Office Hours to allow anyone interested in finding out more about Flexible Parking Corridors to ask questions and how they can start sharing their parking spaces.

Learn more about Flexible Parking Corridors by visiting www.cambridgema.gov/streetsandtransportation/flexibleparkingcorridors. If you have any trouble registering or have questions in advance, please email jmclaughlin@cambridgema.gov.

  • Scheduled Office Hours: Tuesday, March 25 from 3-5 PM on Teams
    • Schedule your 30-minute meeting with Community Development and Traffic, Parking, and Transportation here. Please provide us with a property address or anything helpful we should know going into the meeting.


Page was posted on 3/13/2025 10:00 AM
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