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Housing Information Drop In Hours


Central Square Branch
45 Pearl St.
Cambridge, MA 02139

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Sarah Binney


Have a question about housing?

Miyaad qabtaa su'aalo la xiriira-guriyeynta?

¿Tiene alguna pregunta acerca de la vivienda?

Ou gen yon kesyon ki gen rapò ak lojman?


Tem alguma questão relacionada com a habitação?

هل لديك أسئلة تتعلق تتعلق بالسكن؟

ከቤቶች ጋር የተያያዘ ጥያቄ

আবাসন সম্পর্কে প্রশ্ন আছে?

Vous avez des questions sur le logement?

क्या आपके आवास के बारे में प्रश्न हैं?

住宅に関するご質問がありま すか?

Do you have a question related to housing? Do you want to learn more about affordable rental opportunities? Need help navigating financial assistance programs for housing? Looking for advice about housing rights? Join us in the Community Room at the Main Library for a one-on-one confidential appointment with a housing advocate.

Staff from the City Manager's Office of the Housing Liaison, the Housing Division of the Community Development Department, the Department of Human Service Programs Multi-Service Center, the Human Rights Commission, and the Social Work Staff of the Library will be on hand to answer your questions and provide information. Housed in Cambridge is a citywide campaign designed to educate and inform residents on housing opportunities and housing related resources and services.

Language Help? Contact accesshelp@cambridgema.gov or call (617) 349-4396.

Page was posted on 9/19/2024 9:51 AM
Page was last modified on 9/19/2024 10:10 AM
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