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Obtain an Athletic Field Permit

Human Service Programs

Permits are required for use of any City of Cambridge athletic field. Fields can be used for a variety of athletic activities, and non-athletic activity requests will also be considered. Priority is given to Cambridge youth organizations and City-sponsored programs.

Athletic Field Permit requests are accepted:

  • Beginning February 1st for Spring and Summer field requests
  • Beginning July 1st for Fall field requests
Fields are closed to athletic use during the winter months, November 20 – March 20.

How to Start

  1. Fill out the Athletic Field Permit Request Form
  2. Submit your completed permit request form to Tom Cusick, Recreation Activities Coordinator, one of the following ways:
    • By email: tcusick@cambridgema.gov
    • By mail or in-person drop off:
      Department of Human Service Programs
      Attn: Tom Cusick / Recreation
      51 Inman Street, 3rd Fl, Cambridge, MA 02138
  3. You will receive a response to your permit request within 2 business days.
  4. If you have questions about the permit application process, contact Tom Cusick at 617-349-6238 or tcusick@cambridgema.gov


  • The permit fee for adult-use of athletic fields is $120.00 per 2-hour increment.
  • Priority is given to Cambridge youth organizations and City-sponsored programs.
  • Permitees must abide by the City of Cambridge Parks and Public Area Policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Page was posted on 1/31/2022 9:55 AM
Page was last modified on 8/1/2024 3:14 PM
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