The King Open Extended Day Program is designed to link the school-day and afterschool experiences for children and families enrolled in the King Open School. The afterschool program is completely integrated into the King Open School to support children’s social and academic learning by providing a holistic school experience from the moment they enter the King Open building to the time that they are picked up from afterschool.
King Open Extended Day values social learning equally with academic learning. Our program develops a menu of activities and learning experiences that encourage children to explore the world around them and develop their interests and talents.
Location: 850 Cambridge St.
Hours: 2:45 - 6 p.m.
- Children must attend King Open School to be eligible for the King Open Extended Day afterschool program
- Families apply through the DHSP Afterschool Programs Lottery each spring.
- The last day to apply to the 2024-2025 DHSP Afterschool Programs Lottery was May 17. Families who apply after the deadline will be automatically added to the Waiting Pool.
For more information, visit
- Tuition is based on household size and income.
Questions? Contact Bucky O'Hare, King Open Afterschool Manager, at