FY25 CPA Process
FY25 funding proposals for Affordable Housing, Open Space, and Historic Preservation projects were due on July 12. There were public hearings on July 17 to solicit input on project proposals and on July 31 to solicit feedback on the allocation of funding between Affordable Housing, Open Space, and Historic Preservation. One September 12, the committee voted on recommendations to the City Council to be included on the September 23 Council meeting agenda. The FY25 CPA Project Recommendations Book is available below.
CPA Background
The Community Preservation Act (CPA) was created by state law (G.L. c. 44B) to help cities and towns preserve the character of their community. In 2001, Cambridge residents voted to adopt the CPA locally, which allowed the City to implement a 3% surcharge on Property Tax bills to fund eligible projects.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts provides "matching" funds in addition to those raised locally by the surcharge. The percentage of the state match varies from year to year, depending on two factors: the amount of fees paid at Registries of Deeds throughout the state, and the number of communities that have adopted the CPA locally (thereby receiving a share of the state match).
Each year, the City is required to spend at least 10% of its annual CPA revenues on each category – open space, historic preservation and community housing. The remaining percentage can be used towards any of the three funding categories.
Through FY24, the City has appropriated/reserved a total of $259.8 million for CPA projects, including $192.3 million for affordable housing initiatives. To date, the City has allocated $66.7 million in state matching funds, $174.8 million from local surcharges, and $38.9 million from the CPA Fund Balance.